Thursday, June 4, 2009

look....! Rambling....!

Why is it that the most creative ways for authors to kill off charcters in historical fiction is consumption? Everything is going along great, when all of the sudden there is a little *cough* and i know that character is now doomed to die a torturous death of coughing up blood, fevers from late afternoon to early morning, and those surrounding them will have to sit by and do nothing...can we PLEASE be a bit more creative here?!?! If they have to die can't they die of something like a parasitic worm or from eating bad mushrooms, what about one of those widow-maker pinecones that I used to collect as a kid? Obviously one of my current reads has someone dying of tb, and i really don't want to keep reading, but i know in the end I will for the simple reason that it will drive me crazy if i don't know EXACTLY what happpens, besides, who knows, something miraculous could happen and the character could be completely healed(which is probably what will happen since this particular author likes to drag her characters through the mud and then you turn the page expecting the worst but instead you get a strawberry sundae and sunshine)

Ok, enough of that.

Yesterday I was driving through town listening to the radio when i pulled up to a car at the red light, i was singing along to the radio and was surprised to hear an echo, so i glanced at the car next to mine and was thrilled to realize the girl in the car was singing along to the same song as i, our eyes met and we exchanged smiles and drove off, it reminded me of one of those commercials where someone does a good deed while someone else is watching, then the person who saw the good deed goes on to do another good deed and so on and so forth until it comes full circle implying that we are all connected and kindness is contagious. I love it when things like that happen, it makes it feel as if we all really could break out in the exact same song and dance like in the movies.

i love people watching. (cue curious george soundtrack) there was a man in chico when i was younger who would wear a platinum blond wig with bright pink lipstick, blush, shoes, leggings, skirt, shirt and nails(and yes, i do mean all were BRIGHT pink) he would ride his bike all over town with a wicker basket decorated by a single plastic gerbera daisy, his barbie hair blowing in the breeze blowing kisses at people. I haven't seen him for years now, but i always think of him when i see bright pink pumps at thrift stores.

time to sign off, i have to leave in 5 minutes, yet i am not even close to being ready.....FYI i am seriously sleep deprived at the moment so you will have to forgive any grammatical errors and i am almost postive there are several....need more coffee!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kudos to...


for making the skies so amazing during storms...

for creating contrast and making it so splendid...

for the little yellow flowers that dance in the orchards...

for the raindrops that stick to my eylashes...

for the robins who like to gather in my yard...

for music that sings to my alessi's ark, alela diane, the tallest man on earth, debussy, horse feather...and so many more.

for the smell of spring in the air...

for peace....

for love...


every pretty thing...

things that are pretty in all their unusualness...

for the ocean...

for the shore...

for all things that steal my breath and make me feel awe and wonder...

you did well!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Movies Are Wonderful, and other stuff

I love the holidays! I think I mentioned that already...anyway one of my many favorite things about the holidays is all the movies...wonderful movies for a wonderful time of year...("with the kids jingle-belling") I thought I would share a few of my favorite christmas movies for anyone who is interestedor maybe just because it's my blog and I want to...

Here we go!

The Holiday: Two words...Christmas and Romance...sigh...The characters are beautifully written, a wonderful soundtrack not to mention two wonderful locations, England and Los Angeles. I watch this movie all year long!

Four Jills In a Jeep: A fun movie filled with singing and dancing. I love Martha Raye's character!

Elf: Hooray for Elf! Now, I certainly do not think that giving your dad "the perfect gift for someone special" is the greatest idea, but this movie always gets me close to "pants peeing" in the laughing department

Some more favorites include...White Christmas. Holiday Inn, Jack Frost(the claymation one), While You Were Sleeping, Santa Claus Is Coming To Town, and of course A Christmas Story!!

Hooray For Christmas Movies!

Now, for a Random Christmas Fact About Me....I love to lay under the Christmas tree!(Only real ones) I've been doing it since I was little...I love the smell. the way the lights seem to twinkle when you look through the branches. If you have never done it I highly recommend it!(also...sleeping under the tree is awesome too! (sadly the tree just isn't large enough for me to do that anymore, so i have to settle for sleeping next to it)hannie and i used to sneak out to sleep next to the tree)

Guess What!!! Heidi is home for Christmas!

Look!! Here we are together again!!

And guess who else was here for a visit....give up? Here, I will show you!

YAY!! Candice was here for a week, it had been two years since we had last seen each other, it was SO SO good to see her!!

well...i think that's all for now...time to watch stardust with my besties!!!

love love love!

And lots of colorful heart-shaped lollies your way!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

who needs men it's just the stupid holiday season

Men. The Male of the species. muscles, great hair, gorgeous eyes, smiles that make us swoon...
Ed Westwick, one of my favorite men at the moment...even if hannah thinks he is gay..

according to tradition, a girl needs a man,especially during the holiday season but do you know something? I just looked up the definition of man and do you know what it is? i will tell you(by the way, i am making this up and although some of my statements may be fact, this entire thing is a bit of a melodrama... just because i need to write something and hannah and i (along with many friends) have had a ridiculous number of conversations regarding the wonderful yet oh so terrible male so i thought why not have some fun with it!) now, where was i? AH!


Hannah and I have often reflected while standing in line in Disneyland and various other theme parks that it is very rude of those who have their current others to be all mushy and gushy(mushy and gushy = bum grabbing, hugging, whispering in ears, thunbs through belt loops, etc.) while surrounded by us "unfortunates".

watch this, it makes me laugh and it has a man in it.

ari hannah and i went and saw twilight last night(yes i am a twilight fan, and yes i sigh for edward) anyway, the movie could have been better, but who can complain when you get to watch these fellas for two hours

he really does have the face of a god

uploading those pictures was a ridiculous amount of trouble, and after looking at those faces i have to admit i forgot where i was going with this.....oh, it was something about the holidays making every single girl wish she had someone special, and yes, i am one of those but do not cry for me, i will immerse myself in disgustingly romantic books and movies while eating ben&jerrys in my pajamas.

By the way in just a few days something amazing is happening!
Ben Barnes in Prince Caspian
Yep, this gorgeous man will finally have a place in my movie collection and us poor girls will have just another beautiful face to faun over!
This post is dedicated to my fellow comrades who will celebrating the holiday season not on the arm of that special someone, but instead enduring cheek pinching by sweet old aunt gladys and being stuck at the kiddie table. May your holiday season be filled with cheer and dreams of your prince coming to take you away on that gleaming white steed.
Happy Thanksgiving!
*I would also like to throw out a word of encouragment, someday we will all be making others want to puke by being so completely in love with our very own ben barnes(or whoever you like).
**also, thanks to all the beautiful men who are willing to allow us lonely girls to stare at their beautiful faces and kissing their posters.
***most of all....thank you jesus for creating men. you have done well. snaps for you, you knew what you were doing!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Finding My Place

All my life I have heard that God is love, that He loves me, is jealous for me, etc. It has always been something that I believed but had no comprehension of, sure love is great...I love my family, they are awesome, but it isn't as if I have moments where I am absolutely desperate to be with them, where if I am not right there next to them that I might just shrivel up and die....

Love: the benevolent affection of God for His creatures, or the reverent affection due from them to God.

There it is, right there in the online dictionary for all to read, yet that does not even begin to describe His love! Here is another: to need or require; benefit greatly from. That is on my side. I need and require His love!

I Adore His love! He is jealous for us!! He love for us is so intense that He interrupts our conversation, our work, our sleep, and says come! Come, be with me!

Research time! Jealous comes from the Greek word for zeal. Zeal: fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence; ardor.

Ahh!! I am zealous! I have found where I belong, right here, by His side!

I apologize in advance to anyone with whom I might be talking to, He has been interrupting my conversations and I cannot help but reply!
I hope that anyone reading this is encouraged! Ask for God to reveal His true love for you! Ask Him how much He loves you, He will tell you!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

sisters, makeup and waiting

Makeup, as wonderful as it is can be alot of trouble especially when it comes to younger sisters and is paired with the never ending search for the perfect shirt, bottoms, earrings, hair, shoes, etc. no matter how early you have them start getting ready it will take them at least half an hour past when you wanted to leave, and then chances are that by the time you get out to the car and are ready to pull out of the driveway they forgot something and have to go get it....and all the while we are trying to find something to keep us occupied that isn't to involved(like blogging about it)in the slim chance they may be done in a moment or two(hannah, if you are reading this, I love you!) I think she may be done.....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Puppies, Annie, and Fall

There are so many wonderful things about fall!! The colors, the smells, the chill in the air! I can't think of a thing i don't love about it! And, yes i realize i am a bit early in rejoicing and proclaiming the glory's of the season, but i have been waiting all summer for it!

Some other good things about fall....

The long, weary wait for the next season in our favorite shows is either over or so close to being over that we can taste it. In case you are interested, here is a list of the showsthat fill the tivo every week...

Lost...even though we still don't have an official start date, they have been tormenting us with previews and teasers that make us crazy trying to figure out just what is happening on the island and why dead people are reappearing.

Heroes...the Season premiere is this coming monday!! What the heck is going on!?! Is Claire going to join the dark side?...

Bones...this season has only been decent so far, and who are they going to get to take Zak's place?

Top Design, Gossip Girl, 90210, Kitchen Nightmares, Project Runway...

Fringe..this show has the potential to be really good, although some of the character realtionships are a bit questionable, but hey, the show just started so i will give it a chance.

Now, on to Annie and Daisy.

Mom and Hannah are out so I am at home "supervising". Have you ever tried supervising a 6 month old 55lb puppy and almost 5 year old? Let me tell you, it is busy work!! Already this morning we have had a near catastrophe, let me divulge...

annie was sitting on the couch watching imagination movers, when she let out an exclamation of surprise and ran out the back door saying that daisy had something. I ran out to investigate and came upon quite a scene, Annie, was chasing daisy screaming then stopped suddenly and those screams turned into hysteric wails and sobs. (I have only ever seen this reaction once before from annie and that was when her beloved "blue b" had been denuded of a fringe in the middle of a tantrum) Once i had deduced that daisy had been playing burglar, and had also been concernedly distracted by the wailing, i snatched the blue b up from the mud and quickly inspected it for any damage and was relieved to discover none, i grabbed a hysterical annie and ran inside, shut the dog out and attempted to tell annie that besides being dirty, her "B" was fine, and that we would wash it right away. After several minutes of sobbing, and snotting, we put the blanket in the washer and calmed down enough to let a very concerned daisy in, sat down and were cheered by an always lovely episode of Charlie and Lola. Things have now calmed down a bit and we are anxiously awaiting the reveal of a fresh. clean, and dry blue b.
I better leave it at that because i haven't seen daisy in the last few minutes and am pretty sure that she is into somthing she shouldn't be and annie is now upset because "the blasted ribbon won't even go in my hair!"
signing off....